Improving children’s right to information in EU cross-border civil cases: a thematic focus

autore/author: Francesca Maoli

pubblicato/published: 28/09/2021

Citazione consigliata/Suggested citation: F. Maoli, Improving children’s right to information in EU cross-border civil cases: a thematic focus, lceonline (, 0/2021, II, p. 17 ss.

area disciplinare/disciplinary area:  diritto privato/private law

parole chiave: diritti dei minori, cooperazione giudiziaria civile, diritto all’informazione

key words: children’s rights, judicial cooperation in civil matters, right to information

Summary:  1. Introduction  2. Methodology  3. The right of the child to information in international and EU law  4. The main findings of the research  5. Final output  6. Annexes: “Guidelines on cross-border best practices”


 Il contributo illustra il contesto, la metodologia ed i risultati del progetto di ricerca “MiRI”, incentrato sul diritto del minore a ricevere informazioni adeguate e attendibili prima, durante e dopo un procedimento civile in materia familiare che lo riguarda. Attraverso un’analisi della legislazione, della giurisprudenza e delle pratiche vigenti in sei Stati membri, nonché del relativo quadro giuridico internazionale e dell’Unione europea, la ricerca ha condotto alla creazione di Linee-guida per i professionisti legali volte a migliorare la situazione dei minori coinvolti nei procedimenti civili transfrontalieri nell’Unione europea.


The contribution illustrates the background, the methodology and the results of the research project “MiRI”, which is focused on the right of the child to receive adequate and reliable information before, during and after civil proceedings in family matters that affects his or her life. Through an analysis of the legislation, case law and practice in six Member States, as well as on the relevant international and EU legal framework, the research conducted to the creation of a set of Guidelines for legal professionals aimed at improving the situation of children involved in cross-border civil proceedings in the European Union.

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