Environmental Criminal Law Dependence on Administrative Law. Assessing the Opportunity for a Limited Number of 0ffences Being Autonomous From Administrative Law

autore/author: Andrea Di Landro

pubblicato/published: 12/04/2022


Citazione consigliata/Suggested citation: A. Di Landro, Environmental Criminal Law Dependence on Administrative Law. Assessing the Opportunity for a Limited Number of Offences Being Autonomous from Administrative Law lceonline (www.lceonline.eu), 1/2022, II, p. 29 ss.


area disciplinare/disciplinary area:  comparazione e integrazione giuridica/legal comparison and integration


parole chiave: dipendenza del diritto penale ambientale dal diritto amministrativo, modello puramente accessorio, modello parzialmente accessorio, modello autonomo, Direttiva europea 2008/99/CE sulla tutela penale dell’ambiente

 key words: environmental criminal law’s dependence on administrative law, purely accessory model, partially accessory model, autonomous model, European Directive 2008/99/EC on the protection of the environment through criminal law


Summary: 1. Pluses and minuses of an “integrated” (criminal-administrative) environmental protection model:  an introduction  2. The purely accessory model as the first possible form of integration between criminal and administrative law: examples from the legislations of Germany, France and USA  3. The partially accessory model as the second possible form of integration between criminal and administrative law; examples from the legislation of Germany, Austria, Portugal, Spain, France, England, EU and USA  4. The autonomous, or purely criminal model: the elimination of the link with administrative law, through the removal of the component of “special unlawfulness” from the structure of eco-crimes; examples from the legislations of Germany, Spain, Poland, France, England and Italy  5. Conclusion



Il contributo si propone di esaminare i vantaggi e gli svantaggi del tradizionale modello della c.d. “dipendenza” del diritto penale ambientale dal diritto amministrativo. Le due possibili forme di integrazione tra diritto penale e amministrativo, ovvero i c.d. modelli “puramente accessorio” e “parzialmente accessorio”, sono analizzati in una prospettiva comparatistica, tenendo anche in considerazione la Direttiva europea 2008/99 sulla tutela penale dell’ambiente. Si valuta de iure condendo l’opzione di rendere autonome dal diritto amministrativo alcune limitate ipotesi di ecoreati.


The paper intends to analyse the pluses and minuses of traditional environmental criminal law’s dependence on administrative law. The two possible forms of integration between criminal and administrative law, i.e., the so-called purely accessory and partially accessory models, are evaluated from a comparative perspective, while also considering the European Directive 2008/99/EC on the protection of the environment through criminal law. Followed by an assessment of the opportunity for a limited number of environmental crimes to be autonomous from administrative law.

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