Dal Green Deal al Next Generation EU. Il PNRR come pianificazione basata sul principio di “Integrazione dell’Ambiente” declinato tecnicamente “non arrecare un danno significativo” (DNSH)

suggested citation: A. Mazzitelli, Dal Green Deal al Next Generation EU. Il PNRR come pianificazione basata sul principio di “Integrazione dell’Ambiente” declinato tecnicamente “non arrecare un danno significativo” (DNSH), lceonline (www.lceonline.eu), 2/2024, II/Rubriche

key words: Italian constitution, EU treaties, Green Deal, PNRR, principle of environmental integration, do no significant harm

abstract: The paper, after briefly highlighting general issues regarding the evolution of the relationship between the European Union legal system and the national legal system, delves into the development of the application forms of the Green Deal, in particular the PNRR, from an environmental perspective, through two principles: the principle of environ¬mental integration, the principle “Do not cause significant damage”. In particular, the correlations between the two principles are examined, especially as parameters for verifying and evaluating the projects included in the PNRR.

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