suggested citation: E. Errigo, Ordine pubblico e riconoscimento degli atti di accertamento della filiazione all’indomani della Proposta di Regolamento europeo lceonline (, 3/2024, II/Rubriche.
key words: proposal for a regulation, cross-border filiation, status, recognition, public order
abstract: The Proposal for a European Regulation on the recognition of parenthood between Member States seems to have had an impact on the concept of international public order, already used by domestic jurisprudence in order to exclude the automatic recognition in Italy of the foreign assessment of intentional parenthood, in case of recourse to prohibited procreative methods. The apparent contrast between the jurisprudential formant and the “new” rules is an opportunity to reflect on the meaning to be attributed to the concept of public order, the plurality of family models that demand the preservation of the status already acquired abroad.