Uniti nella diversità: utopia o destino?

suggested citation: L. Moccia, Uniti nella diversità: utopia o destino?, lceonline (www.lceonline.eu), 3/2024, I/Saggi e contributi.

key words: cultural diversity, minorities, cosmopolitan civism, intercultural city and citizenship, education, intercultural dialogue

abstract: The issue of cultural diversity is to be looked at today with eyes turned towards tomorrow, with full awareness of the challenges it poses but also of the opportunities it offers for its deeper implications, destined to mature over the years and to last a long time, impacting the future of new generations. The problematic nature of such issue and its stakes explain the title of this study which aims, on one hand, to indicate as a goal to be achieved that based on the idea of countries (nations) and their citizens ‘united in diversity’, but with the addition, on the other, of the dilemma in terms of the challenge that follows: whether this objective represents only a utopia or, instead, can came true in a common destiny, however difficult it may be to achieve and preserve.

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Luigi Moccia

Professor of comparative law (retd.) and Jean Monnet chair of EU law and institutions at university Roma Tre, where he held the position of department director, dean of the faculty of political sciences and president of the Altiero Spinelli centre, Jean Monnet centre of excellence. He is currently professor and director of the department of law and economics at university Pegaso. He has taught in other universities in Italy (Macerata, Perugia) and held courses and conferences in many countries abroad. In 2010 he received the h.c. degree from the University of Oradea. He is member of academic associations, and of scientific/editorial committees, in Italy and abroad. He is the founder and director of the scientific journal "La cittadinanza europea" and the monographic series "Quaderni del Centro Altiero Spinelli" (FrancoAngeli editore).

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