“7 Ottobre 2023”, sicurezza, esistenza e resistenza in Medio Oriente: un’analisi a partire dal gihad

Vasco Fronzoni Marzo 12, 2024

Suggested citation:  V. Fronzoni, “7 Ottobre 2023”, sicurezza, esistenza e resistenza in Medio Oriente: un’analisi a partire dal gihad, lceonline (www.lceonline.eu), 1/2024, II/Rubriche (dibattiti), p. 1 ss.

key words: security, existence, resistance, jihad, Hamas, Islamic law, ius in bello


The article analyzes the conduct of Hamas on the occasion of the attacks against Israel of October,7 2023 in light of the Coranic notion of Jihad and under the lens of the Sharaitic norms that codify the ius in bello of Islam, in order to verify its legitimacy or not. The themes of existence, resistance and security are also explored in the territorial reality between Palestine and Israel, where these rights are often denied, at least to civilian populations.

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